Infant Baptism
In Our Lady of the Angels’ Parish, Infant Baptisms are carried out at St Gerard Majella Church, Chermside West and St Paschal Baylon Church, Wavell Heights on alternate Saturdays at 10.00 am.
Baptisms are arranged by personal attendance at the Parish Office at St Gerard’s, 146 Maundrell Terrace, Chermside West, during office hours, Monday to Friday between 9am – 3pm. A preliminary phone call would be appreciated.
Click the link for more detailed information for Baptism of babies and children younger than school age. Info Sheet
Baptism preparation sessions are held every 1st Sunday of the month at St Paschal’s Church following a Welcome Mass at 9:30 a.m. During Mass, parents will be presented with a Baptismal candle to keep for the day of their child(ren)’s Baptism.
Baptism of Older Children (ages 5 to 8)
Children who have not been Baptised by the time they reach school age need to have some understanding of the Sacrament and parents can prepare their child initially by obtaining a step-by-step educational information booklet by contacting the Office. This booklet is available electronically and can be emailed to you or you can obtain a hard copy from the Parish Office.
It is important that parents go through this preparation with their child before booking in for Baptism.
This Sacrament is particularly important for anyone who wishes to enrol in the next Sacramental programme as the child must be Baptised before receiving further Sacraments.
Please contact the Parish Office by email chermsidewest@bne.catholic.net.au for the Baptism preparation booklet.
Baptism preparation sessions are held every 1st Sunday of the month at St Paschal’s Church following a Welcome Mass at 9:30 a.m. During Mass, parents will be presented with a Baptismal candle to keep for the day of their child(ren)’s Baptism.
Baptism of Teenagers and Adults
Baptism of Teenagers and Adults will be arranged through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) process.
Click Here for additional information about RCIA